  高中生Wendy(Mary Elizabeth Winstead饰)与友人一起去游乐场庆祝毕业,大家玩得十分痛快。游乐场内灯火璀璨,却诡异处处。在坐上过山车的座椅时,Wendy忽然看到了怪异现象,
  某公司组织一次远游,虽然员工们各怀心事,不过他们还是踏上了欢乐的旅途。在经过一座巨大的吊桥时,年轻人山姆(Nicholas D'Agosto 饰)突然看到幻象,幻象中大桥开始垮塌,包括他、
  Spiraling out after a bad breakup, Wes ends up at a remote rest stop miles away from civilization.
  乔·福斯特(卢卡斯·内夫 Lucas Neff 饰)自诩是看过无数恐怖片的恐怖达人,经典影片的段落台词不仅随口而出,在现实中也致力于寻求刺激,甚至和女朋友琳西(凯特琳·斯塔西 Caitlin St
  A woman and her brother seek revenge against a mysterious stalker
  A tale of love and violence when a man on his emotional last legs finds a savior seductively danci
  A criminal on the run breaks into the home of a high class escort, only to realize nothing is as i
  A reclusive circus master invites a group of social media stars to his house of haunts. Anyone who

A group of LGBTQ+campers came to Whistler Camp, a conversion camp run by Owen Whistler (Kevin Becken). They were promised to have a new sense of freedom before the weekend. When the counselor tries to beat down every camper psychologically, a mysterious killer begins to assassinate everyone. How can they survive in the horrible atmosphere

  20世纪50年代,美国乔治亚州。女孩玛丽·路易斯(萨布丽娜 科恩 Sabrina Kern 饰)与男友陷入热恋。浪漫之夜,年轻男女偷尝禁果,却间接导致了一场灾难。疯狂酗酒的父亲愈加暴戾无常,为了保

In a small town in the west of the United States, Sheriff Franklin Hunt (Kurt Russell) shot a suspected homeless man at night, and then he invited the town doctor Samantha (Lily Simmons) to treat the suspect. In the dead of night, a groom was brutally killed by a mysterious intruder, and the suspect and Samantha disappeared. Deeply aware of the seriousness of the situation, Franklin summoned Samantha's husband, Arthur O. Dwyer (Patrick Wilson), and other villagers to a meeting in the local pub, and learned that last night's incident might be the work of a mysterious caveman. These barbarians intermarried with close relatives, and even ate human beings, including their biological mothers. Although it was extremely dangerous, Franklin and other brave men were determined to break into the cave dwellers' nests and rescue the kidnapped villagers. This journey was very bad

  美国西部某个小镇,警长富兰克林·亨特(库尔特·拉塞尔 Kurt Russell 饰)夜晚射伤了一名可疑的流浪汉,随后他请来小镇医生萨曼莎(莉莉·西蒙斯 Lili Simmons 饰)为嫌疑人治疗。

  Jennifer Conrad is a small-town girl starting over in the big city. Fleeing an abusive relationship, all she wants is a chance to begin again. But it is hard to start over when something is eating you while you sleep . . . one painful bite at a time

  Jennifer Conrad is a small-town girl starting over in the big city. Fleeing an abusive relationshi

After the doll killing incident was reported by the media, it caused the toy company that made"Chuqi" to worry about the market prospect. The toy company took back the remains of Chuqi and repaired them, trying to prove to shareholders that the killing toy was just a rumor. However, when the repair was completed, Chuqi immediately came back to life, which caused chaos and eventually escaped. On the other hand, Andy (Alex Vincent) and his mother receive psychological treatment respectively, and a kind couple take care of Andy temporarily. According to the requirements of the charm of soul transfer, if Chuqi wants to avoid the same personal fate as the doll, he must lodge with the first person who knows his secret, that is, Andy. Chuqi has little time left, and he finds Andy again to invade his body. Andy tried his best to avoid Chucky who came to him, but he got the incomprehension and scolding from the adults around him. Kelly, a girl who was adopted with Andy, was also involved in this extraordinary event that the doll took Andy's body


Due to the invasion of the ghost doll Chaqi, Nika Pierce (Fiona Daurif) is regarded as the originator of the orphan niece Alice, and she is also locked up with a diagnosis of mental illness. After a period of treatment, she was allowed to transfer to a facility with a lower level of care. However, her quiet time did not last long. The unexpected visit of Mrs. Valentine (Jennifer Tilly), the guardian of her niece, not only brought the bad news that Alice was dead, but also sent the ghost doll Chaqi to Nikka. In the night of lightning and thunder, the heartbroken Nika cut her wrist and committed suicide. But when she woke up the next day, she found that the wound on her arm had been stitched up, and the words"NOT SO FAST" were written in the blood on the floor. It was strange that she was full of evil, and she would never allow the prey to die so easily

  由于鬼娃娃恰奇的入侵,妮卡·皮尔斯(菲奥娜·道里夫 Fiona Dourif 饰)被看作令外甥女爱丽丝变成孤儿的始作俑者,而她本人也被诊断患有精神疾病给关了起来。经过一段时间治疗,她获准转到某监护

Trish (Gina Philips) and Daly (Justin Lang Justin Long) are driving home on a rural road for vacation. The two bored people are fighting each other. Suddenly, an old and dirty truck tries to overtake, making them nervous. Soon they saw the people who got off the truck throw a bag of things with blood into a pipe in front of the roadside hut. The two of them were very curious and quietly returned to the hut to check despite the experience of being chased by the truck. Daly falls into the pipe and finds that the package is actually a living person with an unknown object sewn into his abdomen. Daly and Trish are shocked and drive away quickly, but a ghost with wings begins to track them all the way. The sister and brother turned to all kinds of people they met on the road for help, which made the nightmare experience more terrible

  翠施(吉娜·菲利普斯 Gina Philips 饰)与戴利(贾斯汀·朗 Justin Long 饰)姐弟俩正驾车行驶在乡村公路上返家度假,无聊的二人彼此唇枪舌剑解闷,突然,一辆老旧肮脏的货车试图超

After the incredible changes in the last episode, Darden (Ty Simpkins), the eldest son of the Limbaud family, temporarily gets rid of the evil spirits, while Elise (Lin Shaye), the psychic, is in the death room, and Darden's father Josh (Patrick Wilson) is suspected of murder. Because the police need to continue investigating their house, Josh has to take his wife Lanny (Rose Byrne) and three children back to his mother's home temporarily (Barbara Hershey). I thought everything was back to normal, but Lanny and the children seemed to be still haunted by evil spirits
Laurian realized the seriousness of the situation, so he invited Carl (Steve Coulter), the psychic who was second only to Elise, to try to restore everything to normal, but the situation turned to an unpredictable direction

  经历了上一集令人难以置信的变故后,莱姆波特家的长子达尔顿(Ty Simpkins 饰)暂时摆脱恶灵的纠缠,而灵媒伊莉丝(林·沙烨 Lin Shaye 饰)则惨死室中,达尔顿的父亲乔什(帕特里克·威

When young couple Burton (Peter Horton) and Vicky (Linda Hamilton) travel through Gatling, Nebraska, they find a dead child on the road. In order to call the police, they drove into Gatling Town, but found that the situation in the town was even more strange: it seemed to be the kingdom of children, and all adults were missing. The children all obey the orders of a little boy named Isaac (John Franklin John Franklin) who calls himself the messenger of God
Where are the adults in the town? What's the secret behind the malicious eyes of children? Can Burton and Vicky finally get out of the town alive< Br/>This film won the Best Fantasy Film Award at the 1984 Brussels International Fantasy Film Festival

  年轻情侣波顿(Peter Horton 饰)和维姬(Linda Hamilton 饰)旅行路过内布拉斯加州盖特林镇,他们在公路上发现一具儿童尸体。为了报警,两人驱车驶入盖特林镇,却发现镇上的情况更

Due to the continuous appearance of adult corpses and the interruption of communication, the bizarre situation of Gatling town finally attracted the attention of the Nebraska government. In order to avoid the government's investigation, all the children in Gatling Town moved to the nearby Hamminford Town
John Garrett (Terence Knox), a reporter who was unhappy with his work and family, came to Gatling with his son Danny (Paul Scherrer) to investigate the truth. With the help of little boy Micah (Ryan Bollman), father and son find a house to stay in. Danny, who had many conflicts with his father, soon became a good friend of Micah. With Micah's introduction, he met the children in the corn field and was deeply influenced

  由于成人尸体不断出现以及联系中断,盖特林小镇的诡异情形终于引起内布拉斯加州政府的关注。为了避免政府的追查,盖特林镇的孩子们全部转移至邻近的汉明福德小镇  工作和家庭皆不如意的记者约翰•盖瑞特(Te

The mother of the heroine has been having nightmares, and the heroine returns to her hometown to visit her. At this time, the children in the whole town suddenly suffer from unknown diseases. Later, the heroine discovers that it is a missionary Joshua. What is the truth about the whole thing


In an apartment building to be rebuilt, Jamie's grandmother mysteriously disappeared. Jamie followed the trail and found that her grandmother was the only survivor in a suicide fire of a cult organization in this apartment many years ago. At the same time, a group of strange children also haunted Jamie like ghosts


The film tells that Chris Dyke, who was divorced soon, is a wealthy venture capitalist. He lives in a high-tech house designed by himself in Montana and is protected physically and emotionally from outside interference. When he met Sikai, his life changed. Sikai was a beautiful and mysterious young woman who attracted him out of his comfort zone. After Chris was injured in a violent robbery, Sikai moved to take care of him, and her real purpose was soon revealed. Chris became the victim of a well planned robbery. He suddenly became a prisoner in his own home, without any help, and was at the mercy of a violent and psychologically abnormal killer who intended to take everything from him, including his life. When Chris's ex-wife and children appeared, they were in great danger. The only guarantee for their survival was to escape


The story takes place on the night of Halloween. Monica (Katie Maguire) and Dawn (Catherine Corcoran) leave a party drunk and walk on the cold street. They plan to go to a pizza shop to get something to eat. A man dressed as a clown follows them into the shop. Although the clown looks terrible, his personality seems pretty cute, Except that he made a mess of the toilet in the shop and blew up the shopkeeper
, Monica and Dawn left the shop. Dawn entered an apartment to use the toilet. Monica waited for her at the roadside, and the clown appeared behind her again. This time, the clown wanted to do more than just make her laugh. The clown knocked Dawn unconscious. When Dawn woke up again, she saw Monica hanging upside down and the clown holding a chainsaw

  故事发生在万圣节的当晚,莫妮卡(凯蒂·马奎尔 Katie Maguire 饰)和道恩(Catherine Corcoran 饰)醉醺醺的从一个派对中离开,走在清冷的大街上,两人打算去一家披萨店弄点

An Indian woman fled to the unknown black forest to avoid the infamous Dutch Savage Gang. They soon found that they must help each other, because they unconsciously awakened an ancient greedy dark creature called"snow monster"


This is the third part of the anthology series of George Romero/Stephen Goldilocks. There are five terror elements:" Professor Dan Dun& quot; Alice& quot; Telephone girl Rachel"& quot; Radio"& quot; A haunted dog"< Br/>After 20 years of blockbuster Creepshow series, the third film was finally released. This time, George Romero, the"father of zombies", and Stephen King, the"master of terror" are still the directors, trying to revive the brilliant box office of this series. This film tells five stories: Professor Dayton, Alice, Rachel the Call Girl, The Radio and The Haunted Dog& nbsp; & nbsp; These five stories seem to be independent stories, but they are closely linked in the plot. Alice (Alice): The arrogant girl Alice is manipulated by a mysterious remote controller, constantly shuttling through various parallel spaces. The terrible thing is that every time her space changes, a part of her body will rot... The Radio: Jerry, the security guard who lives a long time, accidentally bought a magic radio, which can predict a person's future actions, but this function has brought great disaster to his life... Call Girl: Ava is a sexy girl who is addicted to killing people, She killed a man in a routine"service", but she didn't know that this man had an evil side... The Professor&# 39; S Wife (Professor's wife): Two young people maliciously knocked his beautiful wife unconscious and cruelly dismembered her when visiting the doctor... Haunted Dog: Dr. Will, arrogant and drug addicted, teased a beggar to death, but he did not expect that the beggar turned into a ghost and followed the doctor all the time, disturbing his"normal" life


Every Halloween in the town, mysterious men will attack and kill innocent citizens. The police will set up an endless network to secretly pursue this terrible serial killer, but unexpectedly fall into the fierce trap set by the killer


At midnight of the New Year, Jeff (Dylan McTee) and Lindsay (Alex Essoe) drive on the dark road. They only talked about love and love, but did not look carefully ahead, so they put on a stranger. They took the injured to the car and prepared to take them to the nearest hospital for treatment, but the other side was cut off in the middle of the road. After some internal struggle, they took the dead home. Jeff found that the license plate was left at the scene, so he drove over again, leaving his wife at home alone. At this moment, Lindsay's sister Hanna (Perla Hali Judlin Perla Haney Jardine) returns home, and the man who should have died suddenly lives up and attacks Hanna. In the chaos, Hanna shoots and kills the other party
Things seem to be getting more and more complicated. Jeff tries to find out the identity of the other party, but finds that

  新年午夜,杰夫(Dylan McTee 饰)和琳德赛(艾丽克斯·埃索 Alex Essoe 饰)这对夫妻驱车行驶在漆黑的路上。两人只顾谈情双爱,没有认真看着前方,结果狠狠装上了一名陌生人。他们将伤

When a family was on vacation in the Caribbean, a disastrous change happened. A father found himself at the mercy of a cold-blooded fisherman, so he rushed against all odds to save his wife and son


This film is a collection of 25 film directors who are good at bloody or weird scenes. The production unit opens the quota of the 26th director to hold popular votes and compete for the only quota. Among all these masterpieces, who can be called a B-level film master and stand out? Who is the scariest, most disgusting, and most capable of provoking the deepest fear in people's hearts? Let's get our equipment ready and participate in this cultural feast...


Why did the wife reach out to her husband in the bed? In this world, besides suicide, is there any possibility that you can kill yourself? Why can spiders who accidentally kill themselves die? The ignorant girl worships the beautiful teacher and asks the teacher to suffocate herself with fart


A pair of parents suddenly become extremely violent to their children for unknown reasons. In this crazy 24 hours, the young girl and brother must survive alone


The film is composed of five short films, directed by Mick Garris ("The Master of Terror","London Wolf Girl"), Joe Dent ("The Law Enforcer in Heaven","Buried Ex Girlfriend Alive"), David Slade ("Hard Candy","Twilight City 3"), Longping Beicun ("No One Lives","The Noon and Night Cannibal Train"), and Alejandro Brugu é s ("Juan Zombie","Kill a Dawn")

  该片由5个短片构成,米克·加里斯(《恐怖大师》《伦敦狼女》)、乔·丹特(《天堂执法者》《活埋前女友》)、大卫·斯雷德(《水果硬糖》《暮光之城3》)、北村龙平(《无人生还》《午夜食人列车》)、 Al

  Middle-aged Max and Sara meet and fall for each other in Palm Springs, but their love story is cut short due to a sudden zombie outbreak. Max is not as mild-mannered as he appears, and has a history involving government-sanctioned hits, but one zombie he isn't able to kill is his darling Sara

  Middle-aged Max and Sara meet and fall for each other in Palm Springs, but their love story is cut

When Marx recovered from his injury, he worked as a night guard. He also began to see a mysterious woman appear in the mirror of the shop, whether she was an illusion or... When the mirror came into the store, the dead were still"alive", waiting for the opportunity of revenge all the time...
Max, who lost his fiancee in a car accident, temporarily worked as a night guard in the reopened Mayday Department Store to help his father, Since then, he has often seen"visions"< Br/>Soon after he went to work, Max often encountered strange things - especially when he was patrolling at night, he often saw a woman in the mirror he moved from the Old Mayday Department Store< Br/>At the same time, before the opening of the new department store, several staff members disappeared mysteriously, including three senior staff in the department store. Max was uncontrollably guided by an invisible force and gradually began to revenge for the woman who died in the mirror

  当马克思从伤病中恢复后,他做了一个夜间保安,他也开始经常能看到一个神秘的女子出现在商店的镜子中,是幻觉还是...于镜子入面,亡灵仍然「活着」,无时无刻等待着复仇的机会…  在一次车祸中丧失未婚妻的

  Based on the popular Imperium Comics series, Trailer Park of Terror. Six troubled high school students and their chaperon, an optimistic youth ministries Pastor, return from an outdoor character building retreat in the mountains. During a raging storm, their bus crashes, hopelessly stranding them in the middle of the Trucker's Triangle, a forgotten locus of consummate evil in the middle of nowhere. The hapless group seeks shelter for the night in a seemingly abandoned trailer park they find down the road. However, when the sun sets, it's not refuge they find. Instead, terror finds them in the form of Norma, a damned redneck reaper with a killer body who dispenses vengeance and death aided by her cursed companions, a bloodthirsty brood of Undead trailer trash.  Written by Anonymou

  Based on the popular Imperium Comics series, Trailer Park of Terror. Six troubled high school stud

It tells about Margaret (Hall)'s successful and orderly life, which perfectly balances her busy career and the care of her highly independent daughter Abby as a single mother. Until David (Ross) appeared, her past began to haunt her, and her carefully planned life had undergone a darker transformation. Margaret had to face the monster she had escaped for 20 years to end their hatred


  A man finds a ghost sitting in a chair that never moves, and opens up a ghost tourism business for the wealthy. But terrifying occurrences haunt the observers as they uncover the mystery behind the woman in the chair

  A man finds a ghost sitting in a chair that never moves, and opens up a ghost tourism business for